Check employment status for tax

The Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST) tool can be used to help ascertain if a worker should be classified as employed or self-employed for tax purposes in both the private and public sectors.

The service provides HMRC’s view as to whether IR35 legislation applies to a particular engagement and whether a worker should pay tax through PAYE. Additionally, the service will help to determine if off-payroll working in the public sector rules apply to a public sector engagement.

The software can be used to check the employment status of:

  • a worker providing services;
  • a person or organisation hiring a worker; or
  • an agency placing a worker.

HMRC has said that it will stand by the result given unless a compliance check finds the information provided was not accurate. HMRC will not stand by the results of contrived arrangements, and one designed to create a particular outcome from the service. HMRC are clear that this would be treated as evidence of deliberate non-compliance and could result in higher penalties.

The service is anonymous, and the results are not stored online. However, the results can be printed and held for your own records. If any changes take place to the worker's role their status should be reassessed.

Source:HM Revenue & Customs| 23-06-2024

Statutory Pay assistance

An employer can usually reclaim 92% of employees’ Statutory Maternity, Statutory Paternity, Statutory Adoption, Statutory Parental Bereavement and Statutory Shared Parental Pay. If the business qualifies for Small Employers’ relief, this figure can increase to 103%. 

Small Employers’ relief is available if the business paid £45,000 or less in Class 1 National Insurance (ignoring any reductions like Employment Allowance) in the last complete tax year before:

  • the ‘qualifying week’ – the 15th week (Sunday to Saturday) before the week of the due date;
  • the ‘matching week’ – the week (Sunday to Saturday) your employee was told they’d been matched with a child by the adoption agency;
  • the date on the official notification if your employee is adopting a child from another country; or
  • the ‘qualifying week’ – the week (Sunday to Saturday) before the death of the child or stillbirth, for Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay.

A claim for statutory payment assistance is usually made by including the claim on the Employer Payment Summary (EPS) that you submit to HMRC. You can also write to the PAYE Employer Office to ask for a repayment if you cannot set off the payments against the current year’s liabilities. You cannot do this until the start of the next tax year.

You can also apply to HMRC to pay you in advance if you cannot afford to make statutory payments.

Source:HM Revenue & Customs| 03-06-2024

Payback company car private fuel

Where an employee with a company car is provided with fuel for their own private use by their employers, the default position is that the employee is required to pay the car fuel benefit charge. The charge is determined by reference to the CO2 rating of the car, applied to the car fuel benefit multiplier, currently £27,800.

The car fuel benefit charge is not applicable if the employee pays back their employer for any private fuel provided. This is known as ‘making good’. Private fuel includes the fuel used commuting to and from work. Employees should keep a log of private mileage for each tax year, which they can then apply to the published advisory fuel rates to repay the cost of fuel used for private travel.

The advisory fuel rates are intended to reflect actual average fuel costs and are updated quarterly.

If private fuel costs are reimbursed in this way, HMRC will accept there is no car fuel benefit charge, and the employee will save the income tax that would have been charged on any on any private car fuel provided. In most cases, it will be beneficial to repay your employer for private fuel rather than to pay the income tax charge, especially if private mileage is relatively low.

The car fuel benefit charge will still be payable if it cannot be demonstrated to HMRC that the driver of the car has paid for all fuel used for private journeys, this includes commuting to and from work. To ensure that this does not occur employees will need to keep a log of private mileage and ensure that they make good the cost of all fuel provided for private use.

For the tax year 2023-24, the deadline for reimbursing private fuel provided is 6th July 2024.

Source:HM Revenue & Customs| 27-05-2024

Reporting expenses and benefits to HMRC

The deadline for submitting the 2023-24 forms P11D, P11D(b) and P9D is 6 July 2024. These forms can be submitted using commercial software or via HMRC’s PAYE online service. HMRC no longer accepts paper P11D and P11D(b) forms. Employees must also be provided with a copy of the information relating to them on these forms by the same date. P11D forms are used to provide information to HMRC on all Benefits in Kind (BiKs), including those under the Optional Remuneration Arrangements (OpRAs) unless the employer has registered to payroll benefits.

Payrolling benefits removes the requirement to complete a P11D for the selected benefits. However, a P11D(b) is still required for Class 1A National Insurance payments regardless of whether the benefits are being reported via P11D or payrolled. The deadline for paying Class 1A NICs is 22 July 2024 (or 19 July if paying by cheque).

Where no benefits were provided from 6 April 2023 to 5 April 2024 and a form P11D(b) or P11D(b) reminder is received, employers can either submit a 'nil' return or notify HMRC online that no return is required. Employers should ensure that they complete their P11Ds accurately, including all the details of cars and loans provided.

There are penalties of £100 per 50 employees for each month or part month a P11D(b) is late. There are also penalties and interest if for late payments of Class 1A NIC.

Any tax or National Insurance due for 2023-24 under a PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA) needs to be paid electronically to clear into HMRC’s bank account by 22 October 2024 (19 October 2024 for payments by cheque). This does not need to be reported on a P11D form.

Source:HM Revenue & Customs| 20-05-2024

Taxable employment benefits from April 2026

From April 2026, the government will mandate the reporting and paying of Income Tax and Class 1A National Insurance Contributions on benefits in kind via payroll software. This represents a significant change to the current system and should reduce the administrative requirements and simplify the tax system for both employers and employees.

This means that the 2025-26 tax year will be the last year that employers will be able to file P11Ds and P11D(b)s with HMRC in most cases. From April 2026, tax on employment benefits will be collected in real time and not through tax codes in arrears. Class 1A National Insurance contributions will also be collected in real time for each pay period rather than at the end of the year. HMRC has said that this change will remove the need for 4 million end of year returns to be submitted.

HMRC has said that they will engage with stakeholders to discuss their proposals to inform design and delivery decisions and draft legislation will be published later in the year as part of the usual tax legislation process. HMRC will also work with industry experts to produce guidance, which will be made available in advance of 2026.

Source:HM Revenue & Customs| 15-04-2024

Using the starter PAYE checklist

Employers that take on a new employee need to work out which tax code and starter declaration to use in their payroll software. Incorrect tax codes can lead to a new employee paying more tax than is due.

Employers will require certain information from their new employee in order to ensure that the correct tax code and starter declaration information is entered on the payroll software. In most cases, all the necessary information can be found on the employees P45. It is important to remind new employees to bring this with them on their first day of work.

If the employee does not have a P45 the necessary information can be collected by asking the new employee to complete HMRC's online starter PAYE checklist. A paper version can also be completed if the new employee is unable to use the online version. This information must be held in the employers’ payroll records for the current year and the 3 following tax years. Once the information has been collated, HMRC’s online tool can be used to work out the employee’s tax code.

The starter checklist can be used by a new employee if:

  • they have a student or postgraduate loan;
  • their personal details are different to those shown on their P45;
  • they do not have a P45; and
  • they have been sent to work temporarily in the UK by their overseas employer.

Once the checklist has been completed, the new employee should email, post or give the completed list to their employer. There is no requirement to send the checklist to HMRC.

Source:HM Revenue & Customs| 08-04-2024

What are the off-payroll working rules?

The rules for individuals providing services via an intermediary such as a personal service company (PSC) are complex. The rules apply if the worker who provides services to a client through their own intermediary would have been an employee if they were providing their services directly to that client.

The off-payroll working rules usually shift the responsibility for deciding whether the intermediaries’ legislation applies, known as IR35, from the intermediary itself to the client receiving the service. In most cases, the client will be responsible for determining the employment status of the worker. However, if a worker provides services to a small client outside the public sector, the worker’s intermediary is responsible for deciding the worker’s employment status and if the rules apply.

You may be affected by these rules if you are:

  • a worker who provides their services through their own intermediary to a client;
  • a client who receives services from a worker through their intermediary; or
  • an agency or other supplier providing workers’ services through their intermediary.

There are different rules that apply to those working for a small business and those working for medium or large-sized businesses.

Private sector companies and voluntary sector organisations are considered medium or large-sized if they meet two or more of the following conditions:

  • have an annual turnover of more than £10.2 million;
  • have a balance sheet total of more than £5.1 million; 
  • have more than 50 employees.

There are a number of scenarios that fall outside the off-payroll working rules. If you think you might be affected, we would be happy to help with looking at this issue.

Source:HM Revenue & Customs| 25-03-2024

Apprenticeships boost

From the start of April 2024, the government will increase the amount of funding that employers who are paying the apprenticeship levy can pass onto other businesses. Apprenticeships can currently be funded by a levy paying employer transferring up to 25% of their unused levy to a different employer. 

Under the new measures, large employers who pay the apprenticeship levy will be able to transfer up to 50% of their funds to support other businesses, including smaller firms, to take on apprentices. This will help SMEs hire more apprentices by reducing costs and enabling more employers to get the skilled workers they need while unlocking more opportunities for young people in a huge range of sectors, industries, and professions. 

Hundreds of large levy-paying employers have already taken advantage of the opportunity to transfer their unused levy funds to other businesses. As of December 2023, 530 employers including ASDA, HomeServe and BT Group had pledged to transfer over £35.39 million to support apprenticeships in businesses of all sizes.

Government has also announced an additional £60m of new government funding to fully fund apprenticeships in small businesses from 1 April 2024 by paying the full cost of training for anyone up to the age of 21 years.

This will remove the need for small employers to meet some of the cost of training and saves time and costs for providers like further education colleges who currently need to source funding separately from the government and businesses. 

Source:Other| 18-03-2024

Reporting employee changes to HMRC

There are rules that businesses must follow when they are reporting employee changes. These changes must be sent to HMRC using a Full Payment Submission (FPS). The FPS is a submission that is required every time you pay your employees and must be submitted on or before the usual date you pay your employees. The information provided on an FPS helps HMRC ensure that they have the up-to-date information on your employees.

Additional information is required on your FPS if:

  • it includes a new employee
  • an employee leaves
  • you start paying someone a workplace pension
  • it’s the last report of the tax year
  • an employee changes their address

You may also need to tell HMRC if an employee:

  • becomes a director
  • reaches State Pension age
  • goes to work abroad
  • goes on jury service
  • dies
  • joins or leaves a contracted-out company pension
  • turns 16
  • is called up as a reservist
  • changes gender
Source:HM Revenue & Customs| 05-02-2024

Tax and working from home

Employees who are working from home may be able to claim tax relief for bills they pay that are work related.

Employers may reimburse employees for the additional household expenses incurred through regularly working at home. The relief covers expenses such as business telephone calls or additional heating and lighting costs. Expenses that cover both private and business use (such as broadband) cannot be claimed. Employees may also be able to claim tax relief on equipment they have bought, such as a laptop, chair or mobile phone.

Employers can pay up to £6 per week (or £26 a month for employees paid monthly) to cover an employee’s additional costs if they have to work from home. Employees do not need to keep any specific records if they receive this fixed amount.

If the expenses or allowances are not paid by the employer, the employee can claim tax relief directly from HMRC. Employees will receive tax relief based on their highest tax rate. For example, if they pay the 20% basic rate of tax and claim tax relief on £6 a week, they will receive £1.20 per week in tax relief (20% of £6). Employees can claim more than the quoted amount but will need to provide evidence to HMRC. HMRC will accept backdated claims for up to 4 years.

Employees may also be able to claim tax relief for using their own vehicle, be it a car, van, motorcycle or bike. As a general rule, there is no tax relief for ordinary commuting to and from your regular place of work. The rules are different for temporary workplaces where the expense is usually allowable or if an employee uses their own vehicle to undertake other business related mileage.

Note, that if an employee agreed with their employer to work at home voluntarily, or they choose to work at home, they cannot claim tax relief on the bills they have to pay. If an employee previously claimed tax relief when they worked from home because of coronavirus (COVID-19), they may no longer be eligible for relief.

Source:HM Revenue & Customs| 21-01-2024